Our Story

 In 2021, Aaron and Emily heard the voice of God tell them, “Position yourself in such a way to be prepared to GO!” Little did they know, God was calling them to sell their house, quit their jobs, move into an RV, and travel the nation, bringing revival everywhere they went. They sold everything and left Missouri.

In the midst of wondering where their first destination would be, they received their first assignment from God, “Washington County, Utah.” On their way to Washington County, Utah, Aaron received a vision of a “tent” and a “field.” Miraculously, a tent would show up at a church on their way to Utah, and nobody knew where it came from.

They high-tailed it to St. George, Utah, where a man would reach out and allow them to use his field to have revival. It would be a “Blue Ford” that Aaron’s buddy said to be looking for that would confirm God’s destination. A Blue Ford tractor sat directly on the field, and Aaron was blown away by the 100% confirmation he asked for.

In less than one week, revival broke out at the tent. Hundreds upon hundreds came to receive miracles, healings, and restoration. It became the Southern Utah Revival that happened in 2022.

During the outbreak, Aaron heard from the Lord that his family was to plant a church here in Washington County, Utah. To this date, it is considered one of the greatest anomalies, and there is no doubt this is a movement of God.

The Southern Utah Revival then transformed into Revival City Church, where so many lives are being transformed and “Revived” to this date.